Real Estate has changed dramatically in the past decade and even the last two years has seen the industry engaging more and more technology to enable Buyers massive amounts of information in an instant, and if a Buyer can’t find the information within minutes, they will move onto the next property and the next Agent. This can cost homeowners thousands of dollars in lost sales.
But wait… ‘Not everyone wants to deal with Agents like that – what about old-fashioned “service”?’

Are you thinking of hiring an Agent?
The difference between a good Agent and a great Agent in the current market comes down to the following major factors:
Experience in the current market, knowledge of historical trends and a network of trusted partners is key to navigating through the maze of possibilities of what many different Agents offer. Slick sales pitches, trophy and award bragging is a red flag that you are not dealing with a humble and skilled agent who is more concerned about you than themselves.
Integrity & Ethics
"Primum non nocere" or First, do no harm is the first rule of ethics in real estate and the motto that Gard Real Estate stands by. Having studied many books on Ethics, as well as attending Australia's only 3 day, full-time seminar on Ethics in Real Estate and being one of only 4 agents in WA to attend, and attending multiple times, shows the dedication to 'doing the right thing' by both clients and customers. Doing what you say you will do, lays at the heart of Integrity and constantly striving to exceed the expectations of our clients and customers is what we do on a daily basis.
Skill and Ability
Having the skills of a professional salesperson is a rare talent in the real estate industry. Understanding clients' needs, marketing skills, contract law, overcoming objections and most of all the ability to negotiate, with a high level of skill is THE ABSOLUTE LARGEST factor in achieving the highest possible price in the market. Sadly, the majority of salespeople in the industry have never read a book, studied a course, or undertaken any form of study of NEGOTIATION, which is what they claim to do for their clients every day, in turn losing thousands of dollars in lost opportunity for the people who pay them - the Seller. Jason is an Accredited Real Estate Negotiator who has read many books, listened and watched many CDs (and tapes - yes tapes!) and online courses, as well as attending multiple day, full-time courses nationally, learning and crafting his expertise in negotiation for the benefit of his clients. (He has never seen any other local Agents at these seminars)
So choosing an Agent is not as it seems and All Agents are NOT the Same, choose wisely and look for the above factors before you hire an Agent.
Times have changed
Jason began his Real Estate Career back in 1991 and has dealt with almost all facts in Real Estate, from Residential, Commercial and Industrial Sales, Rural farm sales, Business sales, subdivisional land sales, and ‘Off the plan’ apartment sales.
He has seen the industry change in a number of ways, some good and unfortunately some not so good. ‘Real Estate in the 90’s was a time when the industry began to change, more Agents began training and looking after clients, service was personal. Newspaper advertising ‘in colour’ became the new way and technology was just beginning to emerge from manual systems, and client contact was all by phone or in person’
Now focussed on the Residential sector, Jason brings his wealth of experience, down to earth, professional approach with hands-on, personal service.
‘Hi-Touch will always outperform Hi-Tech’ Jason says ‘so adding Hi-Touch AND Hi-Tech to those who live a fast-paced life and want information instantly with exceptional levels of personal service, sets us apart from other Agents – it is a hand-in-glove fit’ He adds.
A Philosophy forged from experience
Jason believes that delivering a Win/Win/Win scenario to every real estate transaction is absolutely possible. So what does W W W really mean?
The sellers get a great price for the property.
The buyers get a great home at a price they can afford.
The agent gets paid a good fee for making everyone happy!
It is as simple as that. Jason believes ‘ if you can’t get a win, win, win situation in any real estate sale then the deal should not proceed, I believe that everyone can win and that if someone has to lose in order for someone else to win or move forward …then you should avoid the deal.”
“I have the ability and skill to be able to have all parties satisfied with a great outcome based on my years of study and application of my knowledge of real estate negotiation.”
“I have read hundreds of books on marketing, advertising, negotiation, customer service, and many other selling strategy-related books” said Jason “so I can give my clients and customers the absolutely best levels of service that they will find within the real estate industry – we always aim to exceed what people expect from a ‘real estate agent’ and want to take the experience to a whole new level of service and satisfaction”
I have an incredible support team to provide all the backup and information that is required for a buyer and a seller with 100% satisfaction because they understand the importance of our customers and our clients.
Jason Gard and his team will always put the client and customers' interests ahead of their own, why? Because it is the right thing to do!
All guaranteed (in writing) no tricks, no traps, and no fine print, just good old honest service, with honesty and integrity.
Watch our quick video below